What makes cheap sticker printing such an effective marketing tool?
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What makes cheap sticker printing such an effective marketing tool?

07 Aug, 2020

What makes cheap sticker printing such an effective marketing tool?

Every business, large and small, knows the importance that marketing has in increasing your brand’s profile and attracting new customers. What many businesses don’t know, however, is the important part that cheap sticker printing can have in shaping your marketing strategy and maximising potential brand engagement. Here are a few useful tips on how to employ custom printed stickers to reel in as many customers as possible.

Exposure far and wide

An eye-catching custom printed sticker goes a long way towards valuable brand recognition. Placing some unique, professional-looking stickers around local hotspots in your area will be sure to turn heads, and get potential customers engaged with your brand. Including a call to action such as your website or social media links on your custom stickers means customers know exactly how to get in contact with you and follow up to date details on your product. One of the key benefits of a custom sticker is the fact that they can get anywhere - rather than being consigned to a noticeboard that no one reads, you can advertise your brand of walls, floors, windows, ceilings, or wherever else you can think of.
Once you’ve reeled in some customers and have some orders in the pipeline, you could even send out a custom printed sticker or two with their purchases, and encourage them to stick them up around their area. This could ensure that your brand gains valuable exposure with communities all over the country.

Custom printed stickers for free promotion

One of the best aspects of cheap sticker printing as a marketing tool is the fact that it’s so cheap it can essentially be seen as free advertising. Posting up a stack of stickers around your local area is a great way of getting your business noticed at a tiny fraction of the price of conventional marketing methods. When you compare the price of 100 of our extra permanent waterproof vinyl stickers to a single local radio ad, the difference is staggering. 
With cheap sticker printing in your marketing arsenal, you can allocate funds you may have earmarked to spend on promotion towards other elements of your business, safe in the knowledge that much of your advertising is being taken care of.

The personal touches

One simple yet effective way of promoting your business while you’re out and about is by applying custom stickers to your equipment and belongings. Plastering your business on your laptop or phone covers means that wherever you go, your business’ name goes too. You could even affix some custom stickers to your car or bicycle so that even on the road your business is getting its name out there. Applying branding to your vehicle also conveys professionalism and credibility to potential customers, who may be more inclined to look into a business that looks the part.

Expand your marketing strategy with guerrilla marketing

Guerrilla marketing is an often underestimated promotional strategy, but it can be massively beneficial in boosting your business’ profile and increasing word of mouth. Placing custom stickers in unusual and surprising locations can be sure to set people off talking about your brand to friends and family. The best part is, with cheap sticker printing at your side, guerrilla marketing is also an incredibly cheap method of getting your brand’s name out there.
These are only a few examples of just how invaluable cheap sticker printing could prove to be in your marketing strategy. To get started with your own batch of custom printed stickers visit our shop, and be sure to check out our blog to learn more about custom stickers and labels, and how they can beef up your business even more.

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